The Antipodes Project is a collaborative art project started by Ben Tolman in 2006. Later in 2014, Joe MacGown joined Ben in becoming a co-administrator of the project. Contributing artists are encouraged to contact Ben and/or Joe about participating in this project. Thus far, three projects have been completed and a fourth is close to fruition. All four of these projects were done with 005 and 01 micron pens on 11 X 14 inch pieces of Bristol paper (panels). The individual panels are put together to create large pieces. Many very talented artists from around the world are working with together on the project, and we are still looking for more artists to contribute. Although all projects have been in black and white, subsequent ones may involve color. Potentially, this project is open to musical and video collaborations that could tie into our themes of trippy weird stuff that flows from the mind.
This is “The Myth”, a collaboration that Ben started 13 years ago and that could be concluded recently, it is in this work where I was invited to participate to complete one of the panels, artists who contributed include:
Maura Holden (USA)
Kris Kuksi (USA)
Jon Beinart (Australia)
Kuba Ambrose (Australia)
Gill Perry (USA)
Rodney Gee (South Africa)
Jeen Yainderidoo (The Netherlands)
Ryan Thornburg (USA)
Chloe Marsters (New Zealand)
Durga (Indonesia)
Marnie Pitts (UK)
Sal Hunter (UK)
Rens Ink (USA)
Marcel Bakker (The Netherlands)
Ben Tolman (USA)
Danielle Caners (Canada)
Zachary Nolin (USA)
Matthew Sergison-main (UK)
Janelle McKain (USA)
Hector Pineda (Mexico)
Richard A. Kirk
Joe MacGown (USA)
Alexander Bostic
Otto Rapp (Austria)
Paulo Cunha (Canada)
Sunita Fisic (Bosnia)
Danielle Caners (Canada)
Chayung Saigon
Phil Rubinov
Pizo Meyer
Andreas Litwas
Below I show you some images of the assembly process of the panels, the panel on which I worked and a fantastic video courtesy of Danielle Caners: